
Thе Importancе of High Quality Businеss Valuation for Businеssеs Earning $20 Million or Morе in Rеvеnuе

In today’s fast-pacеd businеss world,  having a clеar undеrstanding of a company’s truе valuе is critical to making informеd dеcisions,  planning for growth,  and achiеving ovеrall businеss succеss.  For businеssеs gеnеrating $20 million or morе in rеvеnuе,  obtaining a thorough businеss valuation is еssеntial.  This articlе еxaminеs why businеssеs in this rеvеnuе catеgory should prioritizе […]


10 Things Your Business Valuation Report Must Include for Estate Planning

For every business owner involved in estate planning, it’s crucial to find an appropriate business valuation expert that will prepare a highly defensible business valuation report that is submitted to the IRS. Reports that follow state-of-the-art valuation process, completely justified, and supported with all relevant citations become highly defensible, whilst on the other hand those […]

Definition and Meaning of ASC-820 Understanding Fair Value Measurement

Definition and Meaning of ASC 820: Understanding Fair Value Measurement

Business valuation is a critical component of any company’s strategic planning and decision-making process. One important aspect of valuation is the determination of fair value, which is essential for financial reporting purposes, mergers and acquisitions, and other transactions. (ASC 820) To achieve a consistent and reliable approach to fair value measurement, the Financial Accounting Standards […]


Cost of Capital Method Components: Risk-Free Rate & Equity Risk Premium

Introduction A reasonable cost of capital calculation hinges on accurately assigning a risk-free rate and equity risk premium to the model. While both are less prone to analyst-specific subjective criteria, there is still nuance to each. Both are moving targets, and analysts must weigh variables feeding the components closely to determine the most accurate estimate. […]