- info@intelekbva.com
- +1 312-800-1924
Business Valuations
& Advisory
Reshaping Business Valuations By Delivering Business Owners Accuracy, Transparency, and Peace of Mind.
One of InteleK´s accredited appraisers is available to listen to your story and answer any questions you may have.

Top 10 Business Valuation Solutions Companies - 2023
Intеlеk Businеss Valuations and Advisory has bееn namеd on the cover of thе top 10 businеss valuation companiеs by CFO Tеch Outlook. This rеcognition undеrscorеs our commitmеnt to еxcеllеncе in providing comprеhеnsivе business valuation solutions. Explorе thе official announcеmеnt hеrе and discovеr why wе stand out among industry lеadеrs.

Our Mission
State-of-the-Art Valuation is a Process, Not a Formula.
State of the art valuation is not only for multi-million-dollar litigation cases. It is available, accessible and should be applied at all levels of valuation.
The foundational process of state-of-the-art valuation is applied 100% of the time at InteleK, integrated and articulated to each client’s situation, starting from the small and simple, and expanding its depth all the way through to the highest of stakes litigation matters.
Protect your wealth and legacy with certified, highly defensible valuation.
LEARN MOREEstate Planning

Exploratory reports providing accurate and timely information for improved decision making.
LEARN MOREStrategic / Exit Planning

State of the art, custom valuation as part of ESOP transactions and annual reviews.

Advanced valuation techniques applied to both heavily and thinly traded instruments.
LEARN MOREComplex Financial Instruments

InteleK’s Valuation Purposes to Service Your Valuation Needs
A successful valuation engagement starts with identifying the valuation purpose. This then dictates the valuation product, process and price of your business valuation.
Corporate Restructures & Compliance
Moving your business to a new entity? Or transfering a specific equity parcel? Valuation requirements can include;
- Gift & Estate Tax
- Stock Option Pricing (409A)
- Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP)
- 'Related Party' Transfer Pricing.
Intangible Assets
Quantify the large hidden value in your business, minimising your risk and increasing its potential value improvement.
- Transfer Pricing
- Purchase Price Allocation
- Patents
- Copyright
- Goodwill
- Licenses
- Trade Secrets
- Customer Relationships
- Trademarks
- Brand
- Know-how.
Complex Financial Instruments
State of the art valuation techniques such as a custom simulation to ensure accuracy for auditing purposes.
Entry or Exit of Partner / Shareholders
These moments are often irregular and critical to achieving your desired outcome, heavily impacting your future.
- Dispute resolution
- Shareholder buy-in/outs
- Majority & minority equity interests.
Financing Purposes
Accurate cash flow and balance sheet analysis is critical to achieving your financing goals.
- Capital raise preparation
- Bank financing
- Strategic planning
- Sellers note structuring
- SBA 7(a) Loans
Business Expansion / Strategic Planning
A “Fair Market Value” of the strategic plans, what impact will these plans have on your business’ value, modelling its cash flow and deep analysis on associated risks.
Support Buying & Selling A Business
Preparation is key to both buying and selling a business, nobody wants to buy a lemon business or leave money on the table selling because they were under prepared.
- Due diligence of cash flows
- Identifying fair market value
- Identifying strategic value and step by step guidance on exit planning / deal structure / negotiating.
Litigation Support
In uncertain and often difficult moments, experience and strong ethics are required. InteleK delivers;
- Formal valuation reviews,
- Economic damages,
- Personal injury damages,
- Partner / shareholder dispute resolution.
Our Valuation Products
Valuation Products Fit For Your Valuation Purpose
InteleK has developed 3 categories of business valuation products designed for the various valuation purposes, all customized to the individual business’s requirements, including those of a complex nature.

Summary Appraisal Report
Increasing in the depth of analysis from the indicative valuation, a Summary Appraisal Report is a certified report that can be used for informal and formal purposes. Not appropriate for outside scrutiny / litigation risk, (i.e. IRS or partnership disputes).
Report Detail
Application of appropriate valuation method/s in a summary format, where the reader is not expected to be able to follow all assumptions and methods to recreate the arrived valuation range.
Average Engagement Time
Time: 1-2 weeks – (dependent on receiving timely information from the client).

Detailed Appraisal Report
A Detailed Appraisal Report is a formal and certified valuation, and used for purposes as such. A Detailed Appraisal Report is required for litigation purposes or tax purposes where a high degree of scrutiny is placed on the valuation.
InteleK delivers independent Detailed Appraisal Reports that are highly defensible. This enables reliability and peace of mind in often tense and uncertain situations. This is in our view the best and most cost effective preventative measure to avoid material adverse impacts on your business.
Average Engagement Time
2-5 weeks – (dependent on receiving timely information from the client)

Indicative Valuation
For business owners who are proactive, knowing that businesses are ever changing and evolving, and that preparation is key for making informed and better decisions. Not appropriate for situations of outside review / litigation risk.
State of the Art Valuation Process
Built on robust, well established methodologies, customized for each engagement. Delivering a valuation range, and the information to understand why your business may fall at the top, bottom, or middle of this range.
Average engagement time
5-10 business days, (dependent on receiving timely information from the client).

Complexity Experts
Each business and hence valuation situation is unique, often providing additional complexities that require an expert to accurately identify the valuation landscape, where the increased risk lies, and how to value the subject assets with an extremely high degree of defensibility. InteleK appraisers are these experts, ready for your complex valuation situation.
Complexity Examples
• Valuation purpose - i.e. partnership or marital disputes, ESOP, or estate planning
• Complex capital structures
• Complex financial instruments - i.e. options, warrants, preferrence shares
• Complex corporate structure - i.e. multiple entities, entity type, and entity size.
• Incomplete and unaudited financial statements not consistent with GAAP
• Application of discounts (control / marketability / keyman etc.)
• Coordination and review of specialized appraisals, i.e. realestate, intangibles, equipment.
Dynamic Pricing for Business Valuations
Client-Specific Pricing for a Custom, Client-Specific Valuation Report
If your business doesn’t require the services, you won’t pay for them with InteleK. We believe that pricing should be determined by your needs.
Nature of Services
In our experience, each client is unique. As a result, we do not generate cookie cutter reports based on cookie cutter pricing as such an approach exposes clients to many significant risks in the future. As valuation and risk reduction experts, we carefully and holistically consider many aspects of each client’s situation such as a valuation purpose, compliance with relevant laws and regulations, litigation risk, nature of a business, quality of financial statements, complexity of capital structure, range and difficulty of applicable valuation methods and other issues.
Educated Clients
We believe that an educated client is our best client. Therefore, we are also happy to spend as much time as necessary educating our clients about our approach and results so that they can understand how sound valuation practices reflect the value of their business and reduce future compliance and litigation risks.
Reducing your potential fees, penalties and damages.
Our extensive expertise and high level of attention to detail allow each client to receive the most relevant valuation report, which can also withstand a very high degree of outside scrutiny. Such level of quality allows our clients to not only address their immediate needs but also materially reduce the risk of very expensive and high disruptive disputes and litigation.
In our view, the best and most cost effective preventative measure to avoid material adverse impacts on your business is a quality valuation report.
Please contact one of our accredited appraisers for pricing details specific to your valuation needs.
Valuations Timeline
How Your Business Valuation Process Will Look
A business valuation of any value and quality is not completed over night, a well thought out process and depth of analysis is completed to get it right.
Step 1 – Initial Consult (1-3 Days)
Laying the foundations, identifying valuation purpose, process and pricing. InteleK then issues an engagement letter detailing the scope of the engagement.
Step 2 – Data Collection (1-7 Days)
The quality of the valuation outcome is based on the quality of the inputs, gathering the quantitative and qualitative information efficiently helps build an accurate valuation delivered on time. Including business financials, questionnaire / management interview, and supporting documentation.
Step 3 - Research and Education (1-Week)
InteleK starts its analysis by learning everything about your business and its industry from a valuation context. Including further questions to you, educating you through the process, and accessing our multitude of database and research house resources.
Step 4 - Valuation Execution (3-5 Days)
Once we have the data and analysis completed we execute the valuation, putting the thousands of data points together to give you the most robust and defensible value of your business.
Step 5 - Report Finalization (3-5 Days)
InteleK has drafted the valuation and report, and discusses the number with you, making sure all the input and assumptions are accurate.
Step 6 - Valuation Delivery
The preliminary valuation number and report has been approved by you and the final report is delivered. InteleK takes the time to ensure all components of the valuation are understood to your satisfaction, leaving you with greater knowledge and peace of mind.
Looking for a Partner
We don’t just provide business valuation services, we develop strategic partnerships.

Contact us for more
Free 15 Minutes Consult
Have a free 15 minute consult with InteleK to identify your valuation purpose, process, and price.
Business Valuations Decoded
Explore our blog to learn the valuation basics and how to make a successful valuation engagement.