small business value drivers

Business Value Drivers

Technology Technology is an important tool that can improve a company’s performance and competitiveness. Some companies lack the resources to update technology, and therefore find it difficult to keep up with the technological changes in their markets. On the other hand, some companies manage to keep pace and are aware of changes to their market, […]

business valuation calculator

Business Calculator

It sure is fast, but how reliable is a business calculator? There are certainly pros and cons to using a business calculation software, with some situations more viable than others. If you’re contemplating using a business calculator, we encourage you to read this article to answer some of the questions you may be (and should […]



Copyright is a legal term that refers to the exclusive right that an individual or corporation has over original works of authorship. This means that they can take legal action against someone who uses the copyrighted asset for commercial purposes. Types of Copyrights Among the most common copyrights, such as music, paintings, and books, but artistic […]

Michael Jackson´s Estate Court Case

After Michael Jackson’s death in 2009, his likeness and image were under trial to determine their value and the tax impact it would have on Jackson’s heirs. After years of trial disputes, the judge decided that the IRS valuation was heavily overpriced due to misappreciations, and instead sided closer to the estate’s expert valuation at […]

net working capital formula

Net Working Capital

Net working capital (NWC) are all those short-term financial resources that your company requires to be able to continue day-to-day operations efficiency (resources to fund or support your operation), thus avoiding delays or disruptions. NWC consists of various current assets such as inventory, accounts receivable, cash, and some current liabilities such as accounts payable. Importance of Net Working Capital […]

discount for lack of control method

Discount For Lack of Control

When performing a business valuation, several discounts should be considered that may need to be applied to a business’ value. Below, we will explain what a discount for lack of control means, as well as when an investor, appraiser, or other users of valuation information should be aware of it. DLOC Valuation  The DLOC is a discount […]

fair market value of my business

Business Fair Market Value

A business fair market value (FMV), or market value, is commonly used in business valuations and is defined by several public institutions or valuation associations as: “the price that would be negotiated in an open and unrestricted market between a knowledgeable, willing but not anxious buyer and a knowledgeable, willing but not anxious seller acting at arm’s length.” If […]

discount for lack of marketeability calculation

Discount For Lack of Marketability

The term “discount for lack of marketability” is often referred to, but it isn’t always fully understood. Markets in which public and private equity stakes (i.e., companies) can be negotiated are not exactly the same; the trading conditions are substantially different, especially in terms of marketability (liquidity). This can and often does have a significant impact on […]